Monday, April 11, 2005

Miss Congeniality 2

I like Sandra Bullock a lot. So, if you don't like her, you probably won't like this movie.

This movie showed a different side of Gracy Hart's (Sandra Bullock) character and there was the usual humour, a little less than the first movie but better. Then, there's an unusual female buddy cops thing that happened with Sandra Bullock and Regina King (Jerry Maguire, Enemy of the State, Ray), which I thought was a nice side-story worked into the script. In fact, towards the end of the movie I thought, Hmm, they could do the third part now, a female buddy cop movie!

Don't know if that will happen, but I enjoyed myself and it was a fun movie to watch. If you like Sandra Bullock, go watch it for sure. And if you don't, but you're looking for some entertainment, a few laughs, go watch it.


At 1:41 PM, Blogger Hasmita said...


What you doing watching so many movies? You should be sitting down and working.

Ah, yes, inspiration, need-a-break, I know these will be the excuses :D



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