Saturday, March 05, 2005

Cyber policing

It's finally happened. We've been reading about it in the newspapers, and reports on website but it's not been implemented till now. I'm talking about cyber-cafe policing and this article gives you more details. You have to now provide a proof of identity and other details when you access the Internet from a cyber cafe. Oh well, there goes your privacy.
"This is going to drive us out of business," said G. Satish, co-owner of Internet cafe Cyberia. "People ask why they must part with personal details just to send an e-mail?" he said. "Many have walked out of my shop after being asked to register themselves. This is not working."
I don't really know how it's going to affect people but I wonder about what happens to the information, how long is it archived, who gets to see it--we've just opened a Pandora's box. We're already battling tele-marketing (unsolicited of course) calls, wonder what this will do for privacy in India.

Pavan Duggal, a cyber law expert in India, raises the same concern in the article.
But cyber crime lawyer Pavan Duggal said personal details could be misused or sold to telemarketers. "National security and individual privacy must be kept in balance," he said. "Cyber cafes are only a medium. Don't punish the pipeline because you are getting dirty water."
Bade Bhaiyya is watching you.


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