Tuesday, January 11, 2005

My way or the one way

The recent traffic problems in Bangalore, which has everyone from Time to Playboy (okay, not!) worried, has caused a lot of roads to become one-way roads (or as they're also known, "the roads formerly known as two-way").

You can't have a conversation about Bangalore without someone bringing up the traffic and the one ways. Everybody's opinion is that the government should've seen it coming. Yeah, like you did.

Nobody complains that people buying two-wheelers and vehicles indiscriminately have caused part of the problem. How many car pool to work? Car pools, what's that? Plus, there has been an explosion of population in Bangalore, so you are going to experience some growing pains.

The general opinion is that "they" (the government, who else) haven't done anything. Yeah, let someone talk about implementing a GO (Government Order) to only allow cycles on roads and see what happens.

We're part of the problem, the great Indian middle class. Maybe we need to start thinking about solutions too, ones that we can be a part of.


At 5:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 5:13 PM, Blogger Percy said...

Sorry, what was that again? Non-standard link colours?


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