Friday, January 07, 2005

Aid -- to the right people?

At the FloodAid concert, a friend was talking about how his colleague went to help with the relief efforts in Tamil Nadu. His colleague told him that the poor people who were supposed to be getting money, weren't getting the full amount. Apparently, they sign for a certain amount (I think he said Rs. 2,500) and they are handed over a lesser amount (Rs. 1500 I think). Admittedly, this is all hearsay, but I've no reason to doubt its veracity and that made me sad. To make money out of someone else's tragedy and to rob needy people (in any situation), that stinks.

There are a ton of NGOs that are doing some great work and AID, Association for India's Development is one of them. Click here to download an email I was forwarded on a mailing list, which was written by a member of AID. You'll get an idea of what's AID is doing to help the victims of the disaster.

It doesn't matter which organisation you give the money to. Just make sure that it's going to reach the right people. Be sure that you give the money to people who'll make sure your money reaches the people who've been affected--not some corrupt person's pockets.

I think we have to be responsible, even with our donations.


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