Friday, July 01, 2005

Why it was called The Last Laugh

I went to see Zebediah Plush and Thermal and a Quarter (the band also known as TAAQ) at the Alliance Francaise yesterday. It was hot at the venue (they closed the doors) and with people in there, the temperature rose quickly.

The music made it hotter.

Zebediah Plush is a young, rocking band. The drummer (Arfaaz) and the lead guitarist (Anand) both sang lead vocals, though by my count the drummer sang more songs. And he had a good voice too. Anyone who can sing Message In A Bottle well is a good singer (in my book at least).

The keyboard player (Avijit) and the bass player (Anindita) rounded off the band. Plush is a tight band, all the band members play well and they rocked the place. They played some of their own compositions and a couple of Led Zeppelin and The Police covers.

That's the good news.

The bad news is that the guitarist is leaving for the US. Hence, The Last Laugh. (Archana, you were right.)

When I was buying the CD (gotta support the local bands), I spoke to the lead guitarist and he said that they were looking for a guitarist. So, if you wield an axe and can play some mean chops, contact them.

In a related note, what is it with musicians moving or migrating to the US/Canada? Stop!

TAAQ were the second band to play and they came in, set up in about five minutes (you gotta love a band that's really good but really not fussy at all) and then Bruce started playing some funky stuff on his guitar, doing some funky things on the mike (basically sound check), the others joined in and then they morphed that into Brigade Street. Ah, those harmonies on Brigade Street. Kick ass. And what a wonderful singer Rzhude (pronounced: Rudy), the bass player, is too.

I've said this before and I'll say it again. TAAQ ROCKS. They're my favourite Indian band. I hope they make it big. You want good things to happen to good bands.

I caught only about four songs, I had to leave early. They played Bend the World from the latest album (Plan B), which you can download here. Bend the World is one of my favourite songs. I love the initial riff in that song, it gives me goose bumps every time I hear it.

So, stop reading this and go download their songs.


At 12:33 PM, Blogger NV said...

Since you play the guitar, why don't you apply for the position? :P

At 12:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't play "mean chops". I can't play any chops. :-)

At 12:31 PM, Blogger Hasmita said...

Hey, I didn't know you liked Thermal and a 1/4. I have the first cassette they released, given to me by a friend who knows someone from the band. If I can find it I'll give it to you...

At 6:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You'd better hold on to that cassette. When TAAQ makes it big, you can sell it on eBay. :-)

At 11:41 PM, Blogger Archana Ramesh said...

not them too.........btw, did you get the news abt Raghu Dixit Project?

At 12:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, I got the news about him starting something. Hope to hear him (them?) live sometime.

At 3:58 PM, Blogger Jugular Bean said...

TAAQ is sheer genius!
Glad that you enjoyed our show! And thanks for the support!

At 2:42 PM, Blogger Recho said...

Hey, nice you bought their album. I did too, just my bit to support the local music scene instead of just bitching about the lack of talent.


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